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This paper mainly focuses on the development of disaster social work in Mainland China and the intervention of social work in disaster relief. Before the Wenchuan earthquake and in the initial stage of post-earthquake, disaster social work was mainly based on individual psychotherapy; from the earthquake to the year of 2012 in which post-earthquake recovery and reconstruction was completed, the disaster relief began to emphasise community building and integration, while the basic framework for disaster social work was also established. Social workers begin to explore the new mode of developmental and localised disaster social work. By combining with the practical experiences from disaster social work, this paper tries to highlight the dilemmas confronting disaster relief in Mainland China and put forward some corresponding countermeasures and suggestions, which could improve the future disaster relief system in Mainland China.  相似文献   

This Type 4 (emic-and-etic) indigenous cross-case/cross-nation comparative study compares the results of two Type 3 (emic-as-emic) indigenous replication studies of effective and ineffective managerial behaviour carried out within private companies in India and South Korea respectively. The method used was ‘realist qualitative content analysis’ involving inductive open and axial coding. Of the Indian findings 100% were found to be convergent in meaning with 94.43% of the equivalent South Korean findings. This has led to the identification of a two-factor emergent Asian behavioural model of perceived managerial and leadership effectiveness comprised of 16 positive (effective) and 6 negative (ineffective) generic behavioural criteria. These criteria could be used in both countries to critically review and improve extant, or develop new, competency-based management/leadership development programmes. The research findings lend no support to claims that national culture has a major impact on managerial and leadership practices, styles, and effectiveness.  相似文献   

Recently, the study of the lifetime of systems in reliability and survival analysis in the presence of several causes of failure (competing risks) has attracted attention in the literature. In this paper, series and parallel systems with exponential lifetime for each item of the system are considered. Several causes of failure independently affect lifetime distributions and observations of failure times of the systems are considered under progressive Type-II censored scheme. For series systems, the maximum likelihood estimates of parameters are computed and confidence intervals for parameters of the model are obtained using Fisher information matrix. For parallel systems, the generalized EM algorithm which uses the Newton-Raphson algorithm inside the EM algorithm is used to compute the maximum likelihood estimates of parameters. Also, the standard errors of the maximum likelihood estimates are computed by using the supplemented EM algorithm. The simulation study confirms the good performance of the introduced approach.  相似文献   
王化平 《北方论丛》2020,(1):16-22,78
通过分析《毛诗·魏风》《唐风》诸篇的诗旨和安大简自身的特点,认为安大简《侯》《魏》两部分内并无“误置”现象。又从战国初期的历史背景出发,并结合诗旨、春秋战国时期的“用诗”特点,赞成安大简《魏》之所以抄写《毛诗·唐风》中的诗篇,当与战国时期魏国国力强盛、占有晋国故地相关。由于抄写《唐风》诗篇的部分被称为“魏”,因此,抄写《魏风》的部分就不能再称为“魏”,必须改题。从《毛诗》诸国风的命名逻辑看,“侯”极可能是地名。不过,若考虑到安大简的特点,“侯”为爵位也未尝不可。从安大简《侯》《魏》的特殊安排看,它无疑是一个改编本,其底本与《毛诗》应该非常接近。  相似文献   
汉代作家是具有不同社会身份、 知识结构及审美取向的个体, 身份、 知识背景对作家创作有直接的影响和规约. 不同阶层、 不同社会身份的文学主体, 日常所关注的事务不同, 所思所想有异, 因此, 诉诸文学创作即形成了言说内容及主题话语的明显差异. 与身份相应, 不同的学术背景及知识结构,也会直接带来文学主体审美取向及话语方式的差别. 身份、 知识结构、 审美取向之异是汉代文学生成及发展的重要内驱力.  相似文献   
《出三藏记集》记载了我国东汉至南朝齐梁年间的佛经翻译情况,是佛经翻译史研究的重要史料。《记集》从四个方面记录了这一时期的翻译思想和实践:僧祐从语言学和文艺学的角度对翻译的看法;译经僧们多用“出”表示翻译;佛经翻译原文多为胡本;译场的基本结构已经确定。  相似文献   
姜霁青 《北方论丛》2015,(1):134-137
埃伦?伍德批评20世纪70年代后西方新左翼在理论上日渐背离经典马克思主义,其中以普兰查斯、拉克劳与墨菲、后现代主义最为典型。在她看来,普兰查斯过分抬高了意识形态与政治的重要性,其理论中存在诸多矛盾与混乱,并具有很大的危害;而拉克劳与墨菲的理论中存在诸多对马克思和马克思主义的误读,其“激进民主”方案也缺乏可靠的社会根基,政治策略本质上是一种改良主义;后现代主义的产生有其特定的历史根源,其理论逻辑混乱,政治主张亦具有很大的迷惑性并可能导致严重后果。伍德批判的出发点在于捍卫经典马克思主义的思想地位,其中贯穿着马克思主义思维方法,但在有些问题上批判过于笼统,分寸上也不是很适当。  相似文献   
杨子飞 《北方论丛》2015,(5):131-136
施特劳斯并没有一套普遍的解释学理论,但有细致精巧的解释方法。这种方法预设了哲学的可能性,也就是作为永恒根本问题的整全的存在。经典文本是对整全的模仿,对文本的解释就是一个通往整全的起点,解释的过程就是在与被解释者交往对话的过程中追问这个根本的问题,而其最终目的则是解释者与被解释者共同向整全开放。因此施特劳斯的解释方法就是一种哲学实践,解释并非仅仅是达到理解的目的的一种手段,解释的过程本身就具有价值,因为解释的过程就是哲学化的过程。像施特劳斯那样读书,在这个意义上就可以被看成是在践行哲人的生活方式。  相似文献   
丁丽 《北方论丛》2015,(6):98-102
中国的劳动立法开始于20世纪20年代的北洋政府时期。这一时期,迫于工人运动的压力,政府相继出台了工厂法、矿山交通劳动法、工会组织法、劳工福利法等方面的法规。这些劳动立法,从理论和制度层面上来讲是一大进步。然而,北洋政府制定劳动法规的根本目的是为了抑制工人反抗,调和劳资矛盾,维护统治秩序,并未想从根本上改变劳工的劳动和生活状况及其社会地位。因此,北洋政府时期劳动立法的实施成效欠佳,其制度的建设意义远大于对工人保障的实际意义。  相似文献   
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